The Hass Avocado Promotion, Research and Information Order (HAPRIO) created the Hass Avocado Board (HAB), an industry-funded national program that has been recognized for being key to growing U.S. avocado consumption and driving value for producers and importers since its inception in 2002.
Thanks to hard work, strategic investment, and continual collaboration between U.S. producers and importers, avocados have been transformed from an exotic party food to a year-round produce aisle nutrition rockstar. Working together for over two decades, the industry is united in furthering the Hass Avocado Board’s promotion, research, and information programs that are successfully working towards making avocados America’s most popular fruit.
See how working together has successfully shaped and strengthened the industry for present and future growth. This mini-documentary tells the incredible story of how growers, marketers, and importers worked together to transform avocados into a nationwide phenomenon—all made possible through the Hass Avocado Promotion, Research, and Information Order (HAPRIO).
Independent researchers at the University of California, Davis, recently completed a five-year evaluation (2018–2022) of the promotion programs conducted by HAB and its member associations and found they have played a fundamental role in expanding demand for Hass avocados in the United States.

Profit For Growers and Importers
Expansion of sales in the U.S. market was achieved primarily through rising demand, not lowering prices.

Return on Investment
The program generated a return on investment of 247% to producers and importers who funded the national program.

Opportunity for Even More Growth
Amidst the fast rise of fresh avocado consumption in the U.S., considerable growth potential remains given the wide regional disparities in per capital consumption, the persistent seasonality in consumption, and the uneven consumption across key demographic groups.