Celebrating 15 Years of Loving Avocado Toast

HAB is celebrating how avocado toast has been adding wow-factor to menus in the U.S. for now 15 years. The national campaign creatively leverages the fun milestone in pop culture to put a strategic spotlight on the art and science of this beloved dish.

To kick off the program, HAB surveyed over 2,200 adults nationwide to identify America’s top 15 toppings among general market and Hispanic audiences with a strong majority (73%) of respondents proclaiming themselves to be “avocado fans.”

The results ranked a delicious and colorful variety of ingredients from sliced tomato, cheeses, egg to jalapeños as well as captured America’s love for the indulgent simplicity of avocado toast plain or with just salt and pepper. Inspired by survey findings, two recipes featuring the top toppers were developed by a registered dietitian and beautifully photographed to celebrate the art of stacking fresh ingredients on avocado for a delicious, appetizing meal any time of day.

Fan Favorite Avocado Toast

Serving up education and entertainment, an influential registered dietitian produced a short video to explain the science that makes avocado toast even better. While building their favorite version of avocado toast to the delight of their fans, the experts highlight how fresh avocado is a good source of fiber, promotes satisfaction and can support weight management goals, a key health pillar for HAB. As the toppings pile up on the toast, the RDs strategically add how the good fats in avocados boost the body’s absorption of vitamins A, D, K and E from those favorite toppings for more health benefits with every bite.

Media outreach targeting coverage by top-tier outlets and promotion on social media is furthering national awareness of the campaign, recipes, videos and key messages to general market and Hispanic audiences.

Join the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of Avocado Toast by getting the fan favorite recipes at LoveOneToday.com/toast and SaboreaUnoHoy.com/pantostado. Check out the complete listing of America’s top 15 toppings and let it inspire creativity for your next avocado toast masterpiece.

Other Happenings

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Avocado Geeks

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