Mexican Avocado Production Prospects

In early summer of 2019, the team from CIRAD with assistance from HAB, went to Michoacán and Jalisco Mexico in search of developing a synopsis of what the Mexican avocado industry looks like today, and also to project what it may look like in 2023.

They were met with open doors and open minds with people willing to access the current state of the industry today, and to try and put insight and perspective of what it might resemble moving forward. Enjoy this engaging outlook of what the largest producer and exporter of avocados will experience over the next four years, and what that means to you as you run your own avocado business.

View Mexico Country Profile

This report is the second of a multi-country series. Check out the first report on the Peruvian avocado production prospects if you haven’t already.

Other Happenings

The Latest Five-Year Evaluation of the Hass Avocado Boards Promotion Programs 2018-2022

July 22, 2024

HAB in early 2023 engaged with a group of professors and graduate students in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University Of California at Davis, to do this economic evaluation of our Research & Promotion activity.

Leadership at the Avocado Nutrition Center Joins the Foundation for Fresh Produce Board

July 8, 2024

Dr. Nikki Ford’s new role on the FFP Board heralds a fruitful era for the avocado industry, aligning with ANC’s health-driven research and initiatives.

Research from the Avocado Nutrition Center and the Benefits of Fiber in Avocado Shared at the Today’s Dietitian Spring Symposium

June 17, 2024

On Monday, May 20, HAB Staff Ella Bauer, PhD, and Amanda Izquierdo, MPH, RD, LDN, presented to nutrition professionals the benefits of the fiber in avocados on gut health and chronic disease risk reduction.