Your HAB Monthly Update – Avocado Volume Data & Projections and More Right to your Inbox

HAB is committed to making avocados America’s most popular fruit and to equip our industry for success. That is why earlier this summer we launched a brand-new monthly newsletter developed for our producer/grower stakeholder audience.

HAB’s insights and actionable data are now delivered directly to producers’ inboxes regularly. The up-to-date volume and projections data allows recipients to know about the volume efforts of their neighbors and other sources of fruit headed to the marketplace as they make decisions about harvesting their crop and their go-to-market plans. Additionally, we supplement the volume and projections data with the latest avocado retail category data from IRI, which provides a picture of consumer demand at retail. The data and information in the newsletter are intended to provide producers with the most complete insights available from trusted sources into market dynamics in the U.S.

We have also included the most recent HAB Happenings posts to inform producers about the ongoing work of the Hass Avocado Board. We feature upcoming meetings and events hosted by HAB that anyone can attend.

This new monthly offering was developed with the grower/producer firmly in mind. It gives readers easy access to information to support the decision-making process of when to harvest and go to market, learn about HAB’s work, and engage with other stakeholders during meetings and events.

The Hass Avocado Board makes things happen for the industry that will help you make things happen for your business; we call this the HAB effect. As always, you can count on HAB to be a catalyst for action and a reason to be confident in our industry.

Register for the Monthly Newsletter Here

Want to dig deeper? More details are just a click away, available 24/7, on

Recent Happenings

Watch the HAB Webinar featuring the World Avocado Organization (WAO)

August 22, 2024

Join us on to view this extremely interesting webinar, and the attempt to help grow demand for fresh Hass avocados in the second largest market in the world, the EU 27 + U.K.

Avocado Geeks

August 5, 2024

Welcome to the AVOCADOGEEKS posts, only on the Hass Avocado Board LinkedIn Page feed. If you have not seen our “Avocado Insights” yet – you need to!!

The Latest Five-Year Evaluation of the Hass Avocado Boards Promotion Programs 2018-2022

July 22, 2024

HAB in early 2023 engaged with a group of professors and graduate students in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University Of California at Davis, to do this economic evaluation of our Research & Promotion activity.